Malta Regional is a refreshing malt with a unique taste, always with the characteristic Venezuelan style. It is a carbonated Venezuelan malt drink that does not contain alcohol.
It is made with water, malted barley, caramel or corn and carbonic gas, which is what provides the bubbles to the drink.
Malt is a kind of soda drink. It is a carbonated malt drink, that is, it is prepared from barley, hops and water like beer; it can also carry corn and caramel color. However, malt does not contain alcohol and is consumed in the same way as soda or cola in its original carbonated form and, to some extent, as iced tea in non-carbonated form.
En otras palabras, la malta es una cerveza que no ha sido fermentada. Es similar en color al stout (marrón oscuro) pero es muy dulce, generalmente se dice que sabe a melaza. A diferencia de la cerveza, a menudo se añade hielo a la malta cuando se consume. Los latinoamericanos a veces beben la malta mezclándola con leche condensada, leche evaporada o leche líquida, en cuyo caso la hacen llamar «leche malteada» (no confundir con malteada).
Packaging: 250ml.