It is a popular dessert in Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and other Central American countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala among other Latin American countries, but also in Albania.
It consists of a sponge cake bathed in three types of milk: evaporated milk, cream and condensed milk, which give it its name. It is usually accompanied with a meringue of egg whites and marraschino cherries and sprinkled with powdered cinnamon. Usually the recipe has no butter and therefore has a spongy texture.
The decoration can vary depending on the region or the taste of the diner. You can use fondant, chantilly or merengue.
It can be prepared in different ways, for example you can add chocolate to the decoration or add caramel to the mixture of the three milks.
Packaging: 6 or 12 portions